Have you tried Organic Bee Pollen before? It is simply grains of nutrient rich pollen which bees collect from organic flowers.
This ‘Groovy Smoothie’ from Moonchild Recipes is a perfect start to your morning. It uses sweet potato and banana for an energy rich base and then balances it with the protein and fat of ground flax seed.
Organic bee pollen is a special product rich in nutrients, antioxidants and enzymes. Bee pollen contains all the essential amino acids which makes it a complete protein. Bee keepers only collect a small amount of pollen, leaving the bees enough to thrive and produce honey.
This recipe is perfect for a boost at any time of day!
1/2 Baked & frozen sweet potato
1 Banana
2 Cups Coconut Water
- Place ingredients into a blender/bullet
- Pulse until smooth
- Serve with a little extra bee pollen on top.
Thank you to recipe creator Sophie at Moonchild Recipes:
Email at: moonchildrecipes@gmail.com
Follow Sophie on instagram: moonchild_recipes