Organic News

Want to know the latest from the organic world?

Here is our latest snippet of organic news for 2017.

What are Neonicotinoids and will they be banned?

After millions of pounds has been thrown into multiple investigations of neonicotinoids (a group of pesticides), there is strong evidence to show the link between the pesticide and its effects on wildlife, especially bees.  Of course, despite proof that this group of pesticides is causing irreparable damage, Bayer are denying the results are conclusive:

As Bayer said “We do not share the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology’s interpretation that adverse effects of the seed treatments can be concluded from this study, and we remain confident that neonicotinoids are safe when used and applied responsibly.”

All in all, despite strong evidence of the effect of the insecticide on wildlife it is likely to take longer before it is banned completely.  To read more about this complex debate between farmers, organic activists and Bayer and Syngenta visit The Soil Association.

GMO Free Foods in Lidl Stores?

Last August Lidl in Germany took a big step towards providing natural foods.  As a budget store, the supermarket may have seemed like the less likely of our supermarkets to make this move but Lidl decided to begin stocking GMO-free cheese nationwide and the supermarket already stocks GMO-free milk. It seems the supermarket has decided to meet the demands of a growing group of customers wanting organic foods by not feeding animals GM crops. Aldi have also shown willing by providing more whole foods and some organic options, so it seems a shift is happening.  One step closer to more organic foods available to everyone.

The Sustainable Catering Pilot

The Soil Association and the Carbon Trust recently teamed up to create an award to make the catering industry more sustainable. This is achieved by caterers throwing away less food and ensuring greater energy efficiency of appliances. By doing so the catering industry is more sustainable thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions and also reducing wastage of food – a major problem in the catering industry. You can do your bit by letting your local cafĂ©s, restaurants or other catering outlets know of the pilot scheme. This will let them know that more customers are concerned of the sustainability of the catering industry, reducing its effect on the environment.

A Win for Organic Food

A new independent study for the European Parliament which focused on the effects of organic food on human health has found organic food is worth it! The results of the study are still fairly new and longer term studies will need to be conducted. But the early results have suggested a massive positive for organic food. The study found that:

  • Health benefits, such as reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
  • A reduced effect on the environment due to less greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduced likelihood of obesity in adults who ate organic food
  • Reduced exposure to pesticides through food, which can reduce risk of negative effects to children’s cognitive development
  • Organic vegetables are higher in antioxidants which reduce the risk of developing cancer
  • Greater amount omega-3 in milk and meat, due to higher clover, grass and forage content of the diet of the animals
  • Reduced risk of developing allergies in children
  • Reduced risk of antibiotic resistance as organic animals are in some cases less likely to develop diseases related to intensive production which mean that fewer antibiotics are required

Good News All Round!

Blog Author: Jake Joint