Red Quinoa Salad Recipe

Summer is here and salads are a perfect accompaniment to a sunny afternoon.  It is time to say goodbye to warming stews and embrace all things fresh and raw.

This pretty salad is full of nutrition and flavour.  If you love salad already then you won’t need convincing but some of us find them less appealing.  Adding grains or seeds to salads makes them more hearty, filling and adds another dimension if you are not convinced by a bowl of green leaves.  Quinoa is actually a seed so it is termed a ‘pseudo-grain’.  It doesn’t naturally contain gluten and it comes in a range of colours – this recipe used red quinoa which has a nutty texture and goes perfectly in salad dishes.

Recipe for 2 salad bowls



  1. Rinse the quinoa under running water and move it into a saucepan.
  2. Add 2 parts of cold water, salt to taste and bring the mixture to boil over medium-high heat, then decrease the heat a bit to maintain a gentle simmer. Cook until the quinoa is soft which should take about 15 minutes.
  3. Chop the leek into slices
  4. Chop the carrots finely (either in dice or “spaghetti” shape)
  5. Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat. Pour over some olive oil. Add leek and carrots, season with salt and pepper and cook for 5-10 minutes until the vegetables are soft, stirring regularly and adding water if needed.
  6. In the meantime chop the cherry tomatoes and in a medium bowl season the rocket with 1 tbsp of olive oil, salt, pepper and 1/2 lime.
  7. When the quinoa is ready, drain it and move it into the frying pan.
  8. Mix the quinoa with the leek and carrots, cook for 2-3 minutes and adjust with salt, pepper and oil.
  9. On a large plate lay the seasoned rocket, the cherry tomatoes and the quinoa mixture.
  10. Lastly, stir-fry the soya beans for 3 minutes and ad them on the top of the quinoa salad.
Thanks to recipe creator: Luisa at A Healthy Tasty Life