Dairy, Gluten and Sugar Free Chocolate Brownies

We all need guilt free goodies in our lives.

Dairy, Gluten and Sugar Free Chocolate Brownies don’t contain any guilt.  We love chocolate but we don’t have dairy so we have found lots of creative ways to make chocolate treats. These brownies have been a great way of getting a dairy free chocolate fix and they are really quick to make. I adapted this from an original recipe to make it less sweet and more chocolatey, I also added some nuts to make less of an impact on my blood sugar levels – looking after 2 small children involves looking after yourself too – we can only try!

n.b. I have called these brownies ‘sugar free’ as I used honey instead of refined sugar – they do of course still contain sugars, but will have less of an impact on blood sugar levels than the traditional sugar laden recipe.

Prep Time: 5 mins

Total Time: 35 mins


  • 175g gluten free self raising flour (or normal flour would also work)
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 4 tbsp honey (maple syrup, coconut sugar would also work)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 3-4 tbsp organic cacao powder
  • 4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 200ml oat, hemp or almond milk
  • 100g organic hazelnuts


1. Pre-heat oven to 180c/160 fan/gas 4
2. Grease 20cm/8in square tin
3. Add all ingredients except nuts into food processor
4. Pour into tin and bake for approx 30 minutes
5. Leave to cool for 5 mins in tin and transfer to wire rack