Raw Cacao Cups Recipe

Looking for a dinner party recipe to wow your friends whilst filling them with healthy organic food?

This raw cacao cups recipe is a perfect pick me up – free from refined sugar, full of healthy fat and bursting with flavour.

Even if you don’t have a sweet tooth you probably get a sugar craving now and then.  When that moment hits, having these raw cacao cups ready and waiting in the fridge is a great way to avoid refined snacks full of sugar and additives.   These pretty little pots are so easy to make and only use 5 simple ingredients.  The combination of sweet and spicy is perfect for dinner parties.

Recipe makes 2 cacao cups



  1. Peel & de-seed the avocados
  2. Add to a food processor along with the other ingredients (can also be mashed & mixed by hand)
  3. Blend until you reach a thick, smooth & creamy consistency
  4. Transfer into little tea cups
  5. Dust with a little cacao, finely grated dark chocolate & a sprinkle of chilli flakes to finish
  6. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours to set (can be made in advance and left overnight)
  7. Once firm it’s ready to serve


Thank you to recipe creator Sophie at Moonchild Recipes:

Email at: moonchildrecipes@gmail.com

Follow her on instagram: moonchild_recipes