Blog Category Archives:Recipes

Raw Cacao Cups Recipe

Looking for a dinner party recipe to wow your friends whilst filling them with healthy organic food? This raw cacao cups recipe is a perfect pick me up – free […]

Parfait Pot Recipe

Looking for a new sweet treat to replace chocolate or cakes in the evening? You have come to the right place. If you want a parfait pot recipe which looks […]

Water-Based Lemon Cake Recipe

Healthy alternatives to processed sweet treats are plentiful, you just have to get started with the basics. It can be a bit daunting to put down your packet of biscuits […]

Chocolate Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Who doesn’t love a good smoothie bowl? If you want to start your journey into the world of smoothie bowls but don’t know where to start, then this is a […]

Five Seed Oatcakes Recipe

Oatcakes are a cupboard staple for most households. Don’t these look much better than the shop-bought version?  If you are tired of those multiple tiny plastic bags oatcake companies use […]