Blog Category Archives:Wholefoods

Plant Based Protein – Where do you get yours?

“But where do you get your protein?” The question every vegan or vegetarian gets asked daily. The simple answer? Plants. Plant Based Protein – Where do you get yours?  Getting […]

How do I start sprouting?

What does it mean to Sprout? How do I start sprouting?  This guide will help you get started with the basics.  When you germinate a seed, nut, bean or grain with water […]

Organic Chlorella Powder

Organic Chlorella Powder is a bright green algae which has become increasingly popular in recent years. We don’t like to go with the crowd unless the facts are straight and with chlorella […]

Coconut Cacao Melts Recipe

There is no way you can eat just one of these coconut melts; they are simply too delicious. There are a few reasons these are top of our list for indulgent […]

Health Benefits of Turmeric

The health Benefits of Turmeric are being researched all the time and new findings are appearing at every turn.  It is well known that Brits love Indian flavours and now […]